We are the Worldwide
Most Preferred
Cleaning Chemical Brand.

Quality Based Production

Sabuncuoğlu Kimya A.Ş. Developed by Turkish chemists and chemical engineers in their laboratories, are used with high praise by consumers for heavy duty cleaning products, each of which is unique in its field. Whether you are a professional or an individual user, meet the unique Sabuncuoğlu Chemistry quality ...

Positive discrimination against women from Sabuncuoğlu Kimya Inc. Power1 of Our dealership system where only ladies can become a member, draw great interest with its unique products and attractive profit plan. Whether you are an businesswoman or a housewife, you can earn serious revenues by selling Power1 products.

In addition generated concentrated products,our company produces heavy-duty and high performance products specified for different sectors. SABUNCUOĞLU KİMYA acts on the principle of total quality management and continuous R&D in all the works and manufactures with “made the best of what you do” philosophy. SABUNCUOGLU KIMYA, developing manufacturing processes and products based on natural and renewable raw materials with the formulas developed in its own laboratories, acts with the idea of "being the best" in all their works and products and carries out activities in line with this idea.

We thank you for the interest you have shown in our products and us.